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Rules and Regulations La Ruta Outdoor

Rules, conditions and implications for Trekking:

*Every participant who signs up for one of our routes acknowledges having read and understood all the technical information, our rules and regulations, and agrees to agree with it. 

*Failure to comply with the regulations may lead to the expulsion of the participant or suspension from the activity in progress, without the right to any compensation refund compensation .

* In group tours you must respect and follow the instructions of the guides in terms of pace, speed, regrouping, technical stops and any decision of the guides that is in favor of safety and the correct development of group activity.

* The Outdoor Route will always ensure the correct development of the proposed activities, but under external conditions such as road problems, accidents, natural disasters, weather, public order problems, the development of all activities is not guaranteed, or it may lead to the total suspension or cancellation  of the activity, without giving any right to reimbursement or compensation. 

* Each participant is responsible for carrying the appropriate and recommended elements for the trekking day to be carried out, practicing self-care and not performing actions that endanger their physical integrity or that of the rest of the participants.

* In each route, there will be a place of abandonment or desertion of voluntary route, where each participant will have_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf5cf57d19-bb5-bb58d1_option_cc4b58d19-bb5-bb918_ -136bad5cf58d_to self-evaluate and decide whether or not to continue the tour. 

* The main guide as well as the other accompanying guides have the authority and responsibility to demand the abandonment of the activity to those participants who do not meet the requirements or the physical and/or mental conditions to carry out the tour proposed

*If you want to listen to music while doing one of our tours, we recommend you to wear headphones, since the use of any type of speaker or cell phone at high volume is not allowed.

Rules, conditions and implications for Mountaineering:

*Every participant who signs up for one of our routes acknowledges having read and understood all the technical information and our regulations, agrees to agree with it. 

*Failure to comply with regulations may lead to the expulsion of the participant or suspension from the activity in progress, , without right to any_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_refund or compensation 

* The Outdoor Route will always ensure the correct development of the proposed activities, but under external conditions such as road problems, accidents, natural disasters, weather, public order problems, the development of all activities is not guaranteed, or it may lead to the total suspension or cancellation  of the activity, without giving any right to reimbursement or compensation. 

* Each participant is responsible for carrying and carrying the appropriate and recommended elements for the mountaineering day to be developed, practicing self-care and not performing actions that endanger their physical integrity or that of the rest of the participants.

* The coordinating or mountain guide has the capacity and responsibility to assess the physical, medical and/or psychological conditions before and during the mountain activity, and thus determine the_cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_participation or continuity of the person in the activity.

Rules, conditions and implications for travel:


*Every participant who signs up for one of our routes acknowledges having read and understood all the technical information and our regulations, agrees to agree with it. 


*Failure to comply with regulations may lead to the expulsion of the participant or suspension from the activity in development , without the right to any refund5 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_o compensation . 

* The Outdoor Route will always ensure the correct development of the proposed activities, but under external conditions such as road problems, accidents, natural disasters, weather, public order problems, the development of all activities is not guaranteed, or it may lead to the total suspension or cancellation  of the activity, without giving any right to reimbursement or compensation. 

* Under no circumstance is the traveler guaranteed or assured of sightings of a natural type, fauna or flora. example: sighting of whales, sea lions, blue-footed boobies.

* The extraction of archaeological or natural  material from the places visited is not allowed.


* The consumption of psychoactive or hallucinogenic substances is not allowed during the entire development of the trip




Regulation for Payments and registrations

* Registration through the form does not guarantee a place in any of our activities, only once the reservation has been made with the respective value of the registration and once the response to the email has been received, it is completely insured and reserved for the participant.

* La inscripcion has a maximum term of being answered by our team of 24 hours, if in this period of time your inscription has not been answered, contact us so that we can give a prompt solution.

* Payments for trekking or 1-day outings must be paid 100% in a single time.

* Only accepted payments via virtual transfer, app Bancolombia, bank consignment or pac´s.

* Cash payments are not accepted (only if the currency is in US dollars for international travel)

* Our form of payment for national and international trips is: 1 payment of 50% to reserve the quota, and the remainder is paid in installments up to a maximum of 10 days before departure, if this period is not met by the participant, the quota automatically is lost, without the right to refunds and/or compensation.



Regulation for cancellations or changes of date and Refunds


* Toda cancelación ó cambio de fecha debe de realizarse por escrito y solicitarle a nuestro correo info@larutaoutdoor.com_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_


*No kind of reimbursement or compensation is made after the activity has started.

* Las cancelaciones para trekking locales y de 1 solo día de duración  deben de realizarse con un mínimo de 24 hours before the start time of the activity.


* If the cancellation of a local trekking is made in accordance with the regulations, it will proceed with the refund of 100% of the money or the use_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-of the balance136bad5cf58 for a next trek which will have maximum validity for 180 calendar days.

* Las cancelaciones para Viajes y trekking nacionales  deben de realizarse con un mínimo de 25 días de anticipación a lo which will have right to 80% of the total money paid.

*Cancellations for national trips and trekking that are not made until 25 days before will not have right to reimbursement or compensation.

*Cancellations for international trips may have different regulations according to the conditions of providers such as airlines, national parks or tour operators of the sites to visit, so we strictly abide by their regulations, taking into account the advance of reservations which will be notified to the participants.


1) The initial Payments for international trips are used strictly for the reservation of air tickets, therefore, once the initial payment is received by us  in case of cancellation by the participant, 80 % of the value excluding the commercial value of the air tickets if the cancellation is made up to 1 month before the trip, the air ticket can be used on the date that the client wishes.

2) No refunds will be made if the cancellation is made with less than 1 month, the client will lose the right to use the reserved air ticket.


Due to the contingency of COVID-19, we suggest consulting the different special possibilities offered for the rescheduling of local, national, and international trips, because the entire tourism sector has been seriously affected, we will be providing all the options that are at our disposal. scope so you can enjoy our experiences in complete safety.

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